Author Archives: larrybcar

About larrybcar

Just a simple man in which is dedicated to work online. I am a Video Editor and a Video Maker in which is can supply any kind of raw materials. I had worked also as Virtual Assistant and can handle cores of any administrative duties. A highly resourceful, flexible, innovative and enthusiastic individual. Who possesses a considerable amount of knowledge regarding administrative and office procedures. A quick learner, who can absorb new ideas and is experienced in coordinating, planning and organizing a wide range of administrative activities, Well organized and an excellent team player with a proven ability to work proactively in a complex and busy office environment. I am now looking for a career advancement opportunity with a company that will allow me to develop skills & potential. I am highly organized and detail-oriented Video Editor / Video Maker / Executive Assistant with over 15 years' experience providing thorough and skillful administrative support to senior executives. I started my career in Computer Technology since 1994. is one of the company that I was built here in Baguio City, Philippines. We offered computer services likes repairs, TECHNICAL ASSIST, DATA ENTRY, printing, WEB RESEARCH, THESES ENCODING of any college courses, including Masteral and Doctoral Theses, DESKTOP PUBLISHING such as FLYERS, BROCHURES, invitation of any kind, PHOTO/LOGO EDITING, LOGO MAKING VIDEO MAKING, VIDEO EDITING, and Microsoft networking administration. I have had an experience with LOGISTICS/SUPPLY CHAIN specifically in Cargo Handling as Cargo Head Checker, Cargo Posting Checker and worked as a Warehouse Supervisor in U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay, Philippines, I also performed this job in Middle East. I had study in International English Learning Test System (IELTS) at Clairvoyance Training Center School for a short period of month here in Baguio City to improve my communication skills. .. Other Service Description I offer a Sixteen - year track record in office management and administrative support. You will be benefited from my following key strength • Computer expertise with proficiency in all MS programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • Managing abilities of documents, arranging minutes, recordings, presentations, emails and other communications sources. • Interact with the U.S., European and Far East customers and dealer through fax, verbal or written communication to provide the information about the delivery and product to be delivered. • Broad-based experience covering a full spectrum of administrative duties, including executive support, office management, administration, customer care, account management, document preparation, travel/meeting coordinator and project/program support. • Superior multitasking talents, with the ability to manage multiple high priority assignments and develop solution to challenging business problems. Can work 8 hours a day. If you are free you can visit my sites as my portfolio for any job you may have: Add my skype: lorenzo.carreon10

Some Companies online is asking me about MLM Business

Some online companies are asking me about MLM Business and according to my research here are the 25 top ranking MLM Business:

The Top 25 Network Marketing Companies
by The Staff at Nexera™ LLC

Who are the Top 25 Network Marketing Companies? Well, it really depends on how you define “The Top 25…” As you might imagine, the truth can be a bit subjective. For example…

The best-selling car in the World is the Toyota Corolla. Apparently it’s a great car, and yet at the same time is probably not the car of your dreams. Which begs the question, “Does an MLM company deserve a higher ranking simply because more people are involved?” It’s a fair question. Here’s what we know for sure: Popularity is definitely one of the best ways to determine what’s going on in the marketplace. It plays a part in the movies we see, the music we download, and sometimes even where we invest our money.

So is “The Top 25…” just an online popularity contest? Not exactly. To make a fair assessment we gave consideration to things that really don’t matter; for instance, 24 of the 25 companies are members of the DSA. And to things that really do matter; like Time In Business!

In short, we wanted you to know the exact criteria we used in order to select, and then to rank, “The Top 25…” You may agree with our findings, or you may not; we welcome your thoughts and opinions either way. Here’s the Nexera Five-Factor Formula we used to make our selections:

1) The company must be a self-described Network Marketing, Multi Level, or MLM company.
2) The company must be in business for at least 10 years as of December 31, 2012.*
3) The company must have a Google Page Rank – GPR. A scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being best.
4) The company must have an Alexa Rank – AR. Here the smaller the number the better.
5) The company must show up in Google Trends – GT. All Regions. Last 12 months.**

The five factors above are taken into account at the end of each year, and then a ranking decision is made. As of January 1, 2013, The Top 25 Network Marketing Companies are:

  Company Time In Business GPR  –  AR  –  GT
  1. Amway 1959 – 53 Years 6 –     8,556 – 2.18
  2. Melaleuca 1985 – 27 Years 5 –   10,797 – 0.44
  3. USANA 1992 – 20 Years 6 –   12,424 – 0.44
  4. Nu Skin 1984 – 28 Years 6 –   12,527 – 0.20
  5. Isagenix 2002 – 10 Years 3 –   15,591 – 0.20
  6. Forever Living 1978 – 34 Years 5 –   17,178 – 0.42
  7. Legal Shield 1972 – 40 Years 4 –   18,855 – 0.20
  8. ACN 1993 – 19 Years 6 –   27,301 – 1.12
  9. Herbalife 1980 – 32 Years 5 –   29,151 – 2.24
10. 4Life 1998 – 14 Years 4 –   32,924 – 0.14
11. Advocare 1993 – 19 Years 5 –   32,943 – 0.14
12. 5LINX 2001 – 11 Years 4 –   34,372 – 0.03
13. Synergy WorldWide 1999 – 13 Years 3 –   39,323 – 0.01
14. Arbonne 1980 – 32 Years 5 –   57,636 – 0.66
15. Xango 2002 – 10 Years 4 –   57,841 – 0.38
16. Nature’s Sunshine 1972 – 40 Years 4 –   62,661 – 0.01
17. Morinda 1994 – 18 Years 4 –   70,897 – 0.14
18. Mannatech 1994 – 18 Years 4 –   75,855 – 0.16
19. Shaklee 1956 – 56 Years 5 –   83,234 – 0.20
20. Nikken 1975 – 37 Years 4 –   93,145 – 0.29
21. Sunrider 1982 – 30 Years 4 – 108,784 – 0.07
22. Freelife 1995 – 17 Years 4 – 139,510 – 0.03
23. Neways 1992 – 20 Years 4 – 166,079 – 0.17
24. Juice Plus (NSA) 1970 – 42 Years 5 – 172,897 – 0.26
25. GNLD 1958 – 54 Years 4 – 213,549 – 0.07

*Why 10 years? Because that amount of time really seems to matter. For example, according to research, since 1956 thousands of different MLM, Multi Level, or Network Marketing companies have opened their doors; and to date only +/- 50 MLM companies have found a way to celebrate their 10th anniversary and still remain in business today. Now, to be completely fair, we should also point out that each and every company on our list was at one time a start-up company too.

**For purposes of comparing Internet search term interest using Google Trends (GT), all 25 companies were compared to the term, MLM. A score of 1.00 would indicate the same level of Internet search interest; anything above 1.00 more interest, anything below 1.00 less interest.

A few noteworthy points on this list… The only companies considered for this list are U.S.A. based; and if you click on each and every company linked above, what you will not find should be as interesting to you (and as revealing) as what you will find. There are no travel companies, only two technology companies (ACN and 5LINX), just one service company (Legal Shield), and 22 health and wellness companies. Even Amway, whose core product line still includes soap, really got started by way of the wellness revolution! Read this book by Paul Zane Pilzer and you’ll understand why nutrition, weight management, and skincare products continue to drive the trends in the Network Marketing industry to this day.

Lastly, if the company is publicly traded, and six of The Top 25… are, we have linked their year in business above, in red, over to MarketWatch for a real time stock quote and other financial information.

All the best,

How To Make Him Want You Golden Tips On How To Make Him Want You Back

There are many tips on how to make him want you and a few are listed here.

1. The first and foremost thing to remember before you proceed is not to make the mistake of pleading them; at least not in the first four weeks of your breakup. This is the time when guys really want to show their power of decision and their ability to stick on it. It is when they would want to prove they took the right step and would like to keep their stance.
You should not make the mistake of contacting him in this time; not even to show him that you are with another guy in an attempt to make him jealous. It is only going to make things worse because this is just not the time.
Focus on your own self and get into shape rather than digging into a bucket of ice-cream or pack of chocolates.
Just divert your attention to other activities for some time and take the head start towards getting your guy back.

2. Do You Really Want To Know How To Make Him Want You Even More?
If you really want to know how to make him want you back into your life then you need to first let bygones be bygones and forgive the mistakes. Holding on to the grievances will not let you make your efforts worthwhile.
You need to do a little bit of self-analysis and note down where you went wrong or what did you do that hurt him? Once you have done that, list down the things he did to hurt you or things that were a cause of difference between you and him. At this point you should be able to decide whether you still want to correct yourself and accept him with the things you do not like about him? When the answer comes out to be yes, then you know you really do want your guy back.
You must now try and look for ways to get self-control and regain your composure. And then start on with confidence and faith. Expect rejection initially but he will eventually give in to your honest.

3. The Key To Get Your Guy Back
The best strategy to apply when you are working on how to make him want you again is to make yourself a person that he can trust. When a guy knows he can trust you, confide in you and just be himself around you; there you have the edge and you hold his heart. He is definitely going to come back to you every time.
You need to stick around him but also making him realize that you are sensitive to certain things. Otherwise you are only offering yourself to be easily taken advantage of. You should show that you care about him but maintain that vital self-respect of yours to make him stay with you.
Refresh his memory with your happy moments together he would realize the way he felt towards you in the first place.
The final strategy would be to let him know how he makes you feel and why you always like him.

4. Relationships Bite!
Relationships can be very tricky but breakups can be trickier to handle. Once your guy is not with you anymore you might get into panic and look for ways of how to make him want you more. What you need to remember here is to keep your calm and clear your head.
First be clear on whether you really want to get back with him. The clear you are on this the more chances of success you have of actually getting him back into your life.
The next thing you need to do is steer clear of any contact with him. You need to just cut off all point of contact with him and wait for him to get back; your impatience can mess things up and you just don’t want that.
When he eventually establishes contact with you; stay calm and try to act indifferent. This will draw him closer to you.

5. Just Broke Up With Your Guy? Relax And Take Time Out For Yourself
Once in a lifetime we are all faced with a breakup or perhaps several breakups; we need to be mature enough to handle them. Instead of striving desperately on how to make him want you back you should just stay clear headed.
Train yourself in a psychological manner and consider this waiting time as a step towards the greater reward; your reunion with your guy. The more easy and relax you will stay the greater the chances are that your guy will come back to you.
Stay positive and utilize this time to actually focus on reasons why you wish this guy back in your life. Also draw your attention to yourself; wear makeup and look nice. Take time to hang out friends, go to the movies and just do everything to make you happy and give you space.
If you keep sulking over your breakup you will only make yourself miserable and affect your health and beauty altogether. Don’t you think you should be looking prettier than ever when you finally get to meet your guy?

6. Best Ways On How To Make Him Want You
Most women face the dilemma of thinking that they have had enough partnership of this one person in their life and that it is now time to move on. This is the most critical time when they can actually end up deciding to leave the guy in their life and then regret the decision later on. Then these ladies are seen searching for ways and methods of how to make him want you bad.
When women themselves break up with a guy there are a few simple ways that can work wonders. The most difficult yet most effective is to apologize for what you did to him and say that you regret walking out on him.
Show your compassion and warmth so that he knows that your feelings towards him are genuine and is soon able to trust you again. Accept that you will have to work hard this time to make it work because you have to mend your mistake of letting him go in the first place.

7. Things To Avoid When You Want Your Guy Back
Making your guy come back to you can be a challenge if you want to take it. But before reading any further you should first make up your mind whether you really want to forgive and forget all the bitter things in your relationship and accept your guy the way he is?
When you are really sure then you should work on how to make him want you but avoid the following:
Do not beg or plead him to get back with you. By doing this you will only worsen the situation and make him go farther from you as guys want their space.
Keep your dignity and let him know there is a limit to how far you will pursue him. But show your warmth and affection by listening to what he has to say.
Do not make the mistake of doing something silly only to make him jealous. This may make him think you have actually moved on.

8. How To Make Him Want You With Dignity
When you breakup with your guy who you have been with for quite some time now; it would be very painful to keep up with. You may have after thoughts about your breakup and want to search how to make him want you. The only way you would want to have him back in your life is with dignity and nothing less.
You have to keep away from the common mistakes that girls make in desperation of having their guy back. Tick ‘pleading’ or ‘begging’ him to come back off your list. The more desperate you show yourself the farther he will move away from you.
In line with the same, you should not bombard him with text messages and phone calls. The more you make yourself available the less are the chances that he will come back. This would only show you are compromising on your dignity. Ego is one thing and dignity is another. So, look for ways on how to get guy back with your dignity intact.

9. Is It Really Him You Want Back?
Before you get into following few steps or read into how to make him want you again first ask yourself a list of questions.
Ask yourself, is it really him you want to reconsider and take a chance with?
Ask yourself and analyze what went wrong to let things towards a breakup?
Ask yourself and recall what he did to hurt you? Are you really willing to strive all your way back to him and put up with all that again?
Get answers to these questions with a cool and relaxed mind; put aside your thoughts of getting him back otherwise you will reach biased conclusions only. And you need to have answers fully focused on facts and not out of emotions. Remember a baseless relationship will not remain long enough.
Once you have your answers and you find he is worth going back after; then you start you approach him with all the right moves.

10. Getting Started To Get Your Guy Back
Who doesn’t want to revive their lost love; well every sane person does. But a few things need to be considered before you get going on how to make him want you back.
You should firstly try to straighten out past issues and not drag them along into your fresh start. Ponder over the reasons for your breakup and try to think of a permanent fix to those issues.
Identify your mistakes and be prepared that you would have to apologize for wherever you had been wrong. Also get yourself in the habit of compromise. Tick it off your list that you would be able to change your ex in anyway. The perfect reason for your guy to return to you should be his unconditional love for you.
While you try to fix things you should not forget that your direction should be towards a promise for future. Yes, your fresh start should not be anything close to what you had before your breakup.

How to Make Him Want You – The Top 10 Strategies for Women

Learn How to Make Him Want You

Do you want to know how to make him want you? Have you ever wondered how it is that certain women seem to get all the good guys?

I’m talking guys that are attractive, single, and successful in life, but also have a good heart and are faithful to their gals. These are guys who are not only not afraid of commitment and emotionally available, but are also keenly aware of their masculinity (or lack thereof), yet manage to be comfortable with who they are. This kind of guy might seem rare to you, but believe it or not, they are all over the place– and you CAN nab one, if you know how to make him want you!

I’m going to let you in on the top 10 ways to seduce a guy. If you’ve got even the slightest bit of charm and curiosity, you’re capable of capturing the attention of just about everyone in the room, regardless of gender.

How to Make Him Want You – The Top 10 Strategies

1. Be Yourself
Duh! This might seem obvious, but it’s always going to be #1. If you plan on pretending to be something you’re not, you’re going to have to keep it up for a very long time. And he’s going to see right through you. This is NOT how to make him want you.

2. Be Nearby
When learning how to make him want you, become involved in some sort of group that he’s involved with. Begin a conversation with someone nearby in such a way that he can hear, or just do something interesting when you’re within his vicinity. You’ll catch his attention.
Of course, be careful not to suffocate the guy. Just make your presence known in a “light” sort of way, and you’re on the right track.

3. Sincerity is Key
This goes hand-in-hand with #1. Be honest. Be genuine. And I mean all the time, and in all other aspects of your life. Though women tend to think that guys are not as insightful as they are, they can actually be quite perceptive, and can often see through a phony quite easily.
If the guy doesn’t like your true self, then that’s just too bad for him. Move on, because it’s not worth your time. However, if he does, then he’ll appreciate the fact that you were genuine right from the start. That’s how to make him want you.

4. Be Inspirational
By this, I mean try to have fun in all of your endeavors– everything you do, you should be trying to make the most of. That’s the kind of girl that guys want to be around. Smile. Be bright and sunny. And smile with your eyes as well. Think Kate Hudson.
This can actually be very addicting, because you’ll literally feel a kind of radiating glow. People will notice this, and gravitate towards you.

5. Be Attractive
When figuring out how to make him want you, a lot of women get completely stressed over this step. No matter how much we fuss and fret, we never look exactly the way we want to.
But here’s the thing. It’s not as difficult as you might make it out to be. You should definitely take some time with yourself, but a lot of guys actually prefer a more natural, less made-up look. Keep that in mind. For example, you might try just putting on a bit of light makeup, a cute top, and a ponytail. You don’t have to look like Pam Anderson all the time!

6. Be Supportive
When thinking about how to make him want you, ask yourself: Does he like doing some sort of activity? Maybe you like doing that sort of activity too? Why not accompany him and you can do that activity together? It could be a big or small activity, it doesn’t matter. Just find the sorts of things that you both have in common, and plan to do them together. Maybe even try something that seems a bit out of your comfort zone that he’s into. This will show him that you’re willing to bond with him, and that you take an active interest in the things he does. Who knows, he might even try some out some of the things that you’re interested in!

7. Be Inquisitive
Be interested in what’s going on in his world. Be natural about it, but be willing to ask a question here and there. If you ask questions that allow him to tell you who he really is, he’ll definitely take notice of that.

8. A Little Mystery Never Hurt
This is something that you should allow to happen with natural progression. Don’t put all your cards on the table when you first meet him, that’s definitely not how to make him want you. Reveal things a little at a time. If you’ve got some skeletons in your closet, keep them to yourself for awhile at least. Or if you just can’t resist, be absolutely sure it’s something you want to reveal.
Guys love an air of mystery. This can work to build sexual tension…

9. Confidence!
Guys love a confident girl. You’ll radiate with charisma and sex appeal, and you’ll appear to be the brightest star in the room. This may be easier said than done of course, but know that it’s key in how to make him want you.

10. Patience is a Virtue
If it’s meant to be, it will happen. If it’s not, move on, no big deal. But don’t try to rush or force anything. That’s only going to make you stressed out and feeling without hope. And remember, the best things in life are worth waiting for.



Okay, we know sex is all about maxing out your pleasure. But it turns out it’s good for your health, too. Here are some factor of the topic that we had for now.

1. It Boosts Your Brain
Sex increases your bod’s dopamine levels-the hormone that improves your memory and motivation. So basically climaxing is the gift that keeps on giving.

2. It Burns Calories
Don’t feel like hitting the gym? Grab your guy and head to the bedroom. A 30-minute romp in the sheets can burn upwards of 150 calories. That’s like running a mile on the treadmill!

3. It Destresses You
We’re all stressed to the max-and all that worry releases the stress hormone cortisol. The problem with cortisol? Having too much of it in your blood stream can lead to everything from high blood sugar to weight gain. When you get your freak on, it helps you relax, lowering the stress levels in your bod.

4. It Keeps You Healthy
Regular sex with your guy can actually prevent colds, thanks to the hormone prolactin. This hormone has an important role in strengthening your immune system by increasing the production of T and B lymphocytes (aka immune cells). We’ll take that over chicken soup any day.

5. It Helps You Sleep
When you have sex, the cuddle hormone oxytocin is released. That increases your bond with your guy, but it also helps you sleep. Niiice.

6. It Makes You Bendy
Think of sex like a good strength training session: You use a ton of muscle groups during a good sesh. And it’s a lot more fun than doing squats at the gym for an hour.

7. It’s Good for Your Heart
The hormone testosterone is usually associated with big-muscled dudes, but our bods make it, too. Sex helps increase the release of the hormone, which in turn improves your energy levels and strengthens vital body parts, like your muscles, bones, and heart.

I would like to post here some of cores and works.

Today I just got a little but happy moments with my groups in Facebook.

especially those guys in Walang Basagan Trip Trip Lang (WBTTL),

The Basta Lahat Happy (New Edition), The Kalinga Groups,

The Friends For Life, the BFF, The BFF tambayan, Wag Kang paasa and lots more… I really enjoyed being with them. Actually they are now 26 groups that I had everyday…. taking lots of fun while working as a social media Virtual Manager from Online Jobs.

and of course the new one the pasaway alamianz i really enjoyed being with this group.